WHAT IS A DIVISIONAL CHART?First of all let us understand what a divisional chart or a varga chart is? A divisional chart is erected by dividing a sign into parts. For example, if we want to prepare a divisional chart for one-ninth part of a sign (Rasi), we will divide the 30 degrees that is the extent of a sign in nine equal parts of 3 degrees and 20 minutes each. We have a standard methodology for reckoning the signs of natal planets (planetary position as noted at the time of birth) as well as the rising degree of the ascendant in the divisional chart for ninth part, which is known as the navamsa chart. We will not go into the details of preparing the divisional charts here. You can make the divisional charts with the help of the tables 3 to 15 given at the end of this book. We will see the natal sign and degree of a planet and see its corresponding position in the divisional chart. For example, if an ascendant is rising in Virgo 23 degree, its position in decante would be Taurus; in Turyamsa it would be Gemini; in Panchamsa it would be Leo; in Sapthamsa it would be Leo; and so on and so forth. The natal sign is to be read in columns and natal degrees are to be read in rows. The corresponding number reckoned with the help of the column position and row position represents the sign number in the concerned divisional chart.
IMPORTANT DIVISIONAL CHARTSFor cluster-wise detailed analysis of the horoscope, we have to study the divisional charts. These are studied for two purposes. Firstly, we study it to see the strength of a planet by observing its placement in various divisions. If it is placed in its own sign, its mooltrikona sign or its exaltation sign in most of the divisions, it is treated to be strong. Its placement in most of the divisions in its sign of debilitation renders it weak. A planet which is weak in the natal chart does not improve its position by occupying benefic, exaltation or own sign in the divisions. However, wearing a stone or a yantra (Kavach) in a duly selected auspicious time can strengthen those planets, which are weak but functionally favorable for a person. In this book, we will treat planets Rahu, Ketu and those whose mooltrikona signs fall in the houses sixth, eighth and twelfth from the natal ascendant as functional malefic planets for the owner of the chart. The sign Cancer is treated as the mooltrikona sign of the Moon under the Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes.
Secondly, the divisional charts are studied for identifying the results of a particular sector of life by studying the corresponding divisional chart along with the concerned house in the natal (birth) chart. Like if we want to study the general fortune, we will study the ninth house and the divisional chart known as navamsa (D-IX) along with the natal (birth) chart of the person..
From the various divisional charts we analyse and examine the significations indicated against each:
A planet, which occupies the same sign in rasi and navamsa charts, is called vargottamma. Chapter 3(13) of Saravali indicates good results to planets in vargottamma amsa. But the views of the author are that a vargottamma planet shows favorable results only if such a planet is strong in the rasi chart.
The weak planets in D-I do not improve their strength by being well-placed in navamsa or other vargas.
The planets are considered weak for all purposes if they occupy debilitated navamsa and are considered weak for specific purposes if they occupy the corresponding debilitated amsa. For example, if any planet is strong in rasi and navamsa, but debilitated in dasamsa, it makes it weak only for the purposes of the 10th house. But being debilitated in navamsa makes it weak regarding all its general and particular significations.
The planetary relationships in a horoscope are generated through close conjunctions, close aspects and placements. When two or more functional benefic planets form close relationship they generate good results relating to the houses where the mooltrikona signs of these planets are placed. This type of relationship caused due to the close conjunction/aspect is known as yoga. If two functional malefics form a close relationship they cause an inauspicious yoga and destroy the results of the house ruled by the functional malefic planets. If one functional benefic and one functional malefic planet form a close relationship this causes an inauspicious yoga that destroys the results of the house ruled by the functional benefic planet. When a functional benefic planet occupies a malefic house, this causes yoga for misfortune related to the significations of the house containing the mooltrikona sign of the said functional benefic planet. Similarly, when a functional malefic planet closely influences the most effective point of a house, it destroys the significations of the said house.
Those houses are considered strong which are occupied or are closely aspected by their own strong lords and functional benefic planet(s) and are not under the close influence of the functional malefic planets.
Those houses are considered strong which are occupied or are closely aspected by their own strong lords and functional benefic planet(s) and are not under the close influence of the functional malefic planets.
A strong planet protects and promotes its general significations and the house where its mooltrikona sign falls. Any planet is considered strong when it is not in the state of weakness. It can increase its strength if:
a) it is in young age, that is its longitude is between 10º to 20º in a particular sign.
b) it occupies own or good navamsa and other divisions.
c) it is under the close influence of the functional benefics.
d) it occupies its exaltation, mooltrikona or own sign.
e) it closely influences the most effective point of the house.
We come across charts where in spite of certain houses being apparently strong in the main natal chart, the natives do not get the desired results. How can we identify such combinations and offer correct predictions? The answer lies in analyzing the concerned house of a main chart in association with the study of the corresponding divisional chart. In fact any prediction without its being subjected to test in the relevant divisional chart, stands less chances of its becoming true. The study of various houses, in fact, gives the clues to trends in life whereas the indications are delineated with the help of the strength of the operating sub-period lord in transit in particular and the various close conjunctions or close aspects formed by the transit planets in relation to the natal (birth) positions.
Date of Birth 10th January, 1976, 2010 Hours. Delhi.
The sign Cancer rises in the ascendant and Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. In rasi chart when we consider parentage, it is the most effective point of the fourth house and significator for mother, which is more afflicted in comparison to the ninth house. The lord of the fourth house is well placed. The significator for father, the Sun, is badly placed and is under the exact affliction of Ketu. Besides, as per traditional classical approach, the ninth house is quite strong as it is occupied by its own lord, Jupiter, and does not have any malefic aspect on it.
As per Systems' Approach explained in the book even Jupiter is a functional malefic for this chart as its mooltrikona sign falls in the sixth house.
The significator for father is weak due to its placement in the sixth house and is afflicted by the close aspect of Ketu.
The analysis of navamsa and dwadasamsa makes the scene clear. In navamsa, Jupiter is debilitated and aspected by Rahu. In dwadasamsa, even though in its mooltrikona sign, Jupiter is aspected by Rahu. The significator for father, the Sun, is debilitated and aspected by Ketu in dwadasamsa and is conjunct with Ketu in navamsa. The ascendants of the navamsa and dwadasamsa are aspected by Ketu. Ketu is known as the planet of miseries. In D-I Rahu is closely conjunct with the most effective point of the fourth house. The Sun as significator for father and Venus as the lord of the fourth house become determinants for the father while Rahu and Ketu are the afflicting planets. The Moon, the significator for mother, occupies angular houses in the main chart and navamsa and its own sign in the dwadasamsa. In rasi, the Moon is closely afflicted by the aspect of the most malefic planet, Saturn,. In navamsa, the Moon is afflicted by the most malefic planet, Venus, and the functional malefic, Saturn. During the main period of Venus lord of the fourth house, indicating suffering to the mother due to Rahu's close affliction to the most effective point of the fourth house and in the sub-period of Rahu, the native lost his father at the age of eleven years. The death of the husband in prime youth is a serious setback to her mother.
Date of Birth 4th September, 1962, 2020 Hrs. Delhi.
The sign Pisces rises in the ascendant and the Sun, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu become functional malefic planets. In D-I the seventh house is occupied by its own lord, Mercury, in its sign of exaltation. But Mercury is weak as it is under the exact affliction of Ketu. The lord of the house of family, Mars, is strong and occupies angular position from the ascendant. The eighth house, the house of marital bond, is occupied by its own lord, Venus. The lords of second and eighth houses are not afflicted. The lord of the twelfth house, Saturn, is weak and closely conjunct with Ketu. The most effective points are not afflicted by any functional malefic. In spite of some positive combinations the marital bond could not survive.
In D-IX Saturn, being the lord of the ascendant in navamsa, is debilitated. Venus, the weak lord of the eighth house in D-I, is conjunct with Rahu and afflicted by Ketu and Mercury. Mercury is the lord of eighth house in D-IX. Mercury, the lord of the seventh house in rasi, is under the influence of Rahu-Ketu axis in navamsa. In D-IX almost all the houses related with marital happiness are either afflicted by placement/aspect of functional malefic planets or have their lords aspected by functional malefic planets.
The girl was married in June 1985, during the main period of functional malefic planet, Saturn, and the sub-period of the afflicted lord of the seventh house, Mercury. She faced numerous problems in her marital life, which ultimately ended in a divorce in the sub-period of the most malefic planet, Venus, afflicted in navamsa.
Male born 2nd October, 1990, 1119 Hrs. Delhi.
The sign Scorpio rises in the ascendant and Mars, Venus, Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. The ascendant is closely aspected by the functional malefic planet, Mars. The Moon strongly occupies an angle. Mercury is rendered weak due to its being in the state of infancy. There is no mooltrikona sign in the ascendant of decante, which is analyzed for delineating planetary influences for identifying the birth of younger brothers and the proper physical and mental growth of the native. Jupiter, the lord of the house of higher education in the main chart, is weak as its mooltrikona sign house is closely afflicted by Mars. The weak Jupiter is under the close affliction of Rahu and Ketu. Mars, its mooltrikona sign being in sixth house casts its functional malefic aspect closely on the ascendant and the second house. Venus, the ruling sub-period lord, rules inauspicious houses in both D-I and the decante chart and is in its sign of debilitation and combust in the rasi chart. The Sun is rendered weak due to the weakness of its dispositor and is malefically aspected by Rahu. Saturn, being well placed in D-I occupied the sixth house in D-III.
Because of malefic aspect to the most effective points of ascendant and the second house by the malefic lord of the sixth house, affliction of the lord of the second house and operating sub-period of the most malefic planet, Venus, the natural physical and mental growth of native was obstructed. The native turned out to be a Mongoloid, having retarded growth, suffering from dreaded diseases like pneumonia, congenital defects like hole in heart and enlarged heart, etc., and suffered from frequent fevers.
Female born November 21, 1964, 2100 Hrs. Delhi.
The native suffered on account of death of her husband within three years of her marriage and thereafter was involved in the litigation for the property of her husband. Her husband died in the sub-period of the fourth lord, Mercury, occupying the sixth house.
The sign Gemini rises in the ascendant and Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. In D-I Jupiter casts its close aspect on the seventh house, the house of spouse. Saturn occupies its own house, the house of fortune. The significator for marital life, Venus, occupies its mooltrikona sign in the fifth house. The lord of the house of family, the Moon, is well placed in the chart. The position appears to be quite OK except the close affliction of Rahu to the most effective points of the twelfth, fourth and eighth houses and that of Ketu to the most effective point of the second house. The position of Mercury, the lord of the fourth house in the sixth house, is indicative of conflicts regarding the assets of the native. But the unfortunate happening took place in the main period of seventh lord and the sub-period of the ninth lord.
Both the ninth and seventh lords of D-I join the badly placed debilitated Moon in navamsa and are aspected by Ketu, the most malefic planet. Rahu and Ketu occupy the angular positions in navamsa, which is not good. In D-I Mercury, as lord of fourth house placed in the sixth house, indicates the involvement of assets in life and domestic happiness in disputes.
Thus the study of divisional charts becomes necessary for clearly delineating the results of the various sectors of life through the identification of the real strength of planets in the D-charts.
REMEDIAL MEASURES IN ASTROLOGY The propitiatory remedial measures should be recommended for the afflicting functional malefic planets.
SPECIAL DEMANDS ON ASTROLOGERS FOR TIMING OF EVENTS The true benefit of predictive astrology can be enjoyed only if we are able to time the events. Modern life is quite fast and needs precise and correct decisions. The predictive competence is the synthesis and application of multiple valid principles of predictive astrology. Besides the study of the natal chart as brought out by the author, the study of divisional charts, transit influences and the application of astrological remedial measures play an important role. The propitiatory remedial measures are recommended for the afflicting functional malefic planets.
For comprehension of the three-tier transit influences, the readers may refer to my book, "How to Identify Significant Events". The methodology to studying the Divisional Charts is being detailed in Chapter 3 of this book. The accuracy of birth time remains the sole basis of analyzing a divisional chart with reliability.
During the course of the case studies in this book, the rising degree in the ascendant is treated as the most effective point of each house. Apart from the general impact of close conjunctions or aspects, it is the strength of the natal operating sub-period lord in transit that bestows the results. In case the natal operating sub-period lord is a functional benefic planet but is weak, it can bestow the desired results to a limited extent, even if the sub-period lord is strong in transit. For better results the strength of the weak natal benefic planet is required to be augmented. A strong natal operating sub-period lord, if weak in transit, fails to bestow the expected results.
To illustrate, I would cite a few examples for timing the events with the help of the principles discussed above.
Male born May 27, 1962, 0627 Hrs. Bombay.
This chart belongs to a former famous Indian test cricketer. When the author was introduced to this player as an astrologer in September 1986 in Calcutta, the latter gave his bio-data for predictions. With the help of the analysis of dasamsa (D-X), it was predicted that during the period between June, 1987 to January, 1988, there was very strong chance of his becoming skipper of Indian Cricket Team. This prediction involved two particular things: (1) there should be change in the Indian captaincy. At the time of prediction, there appeared to be no need; and (2) that this player would become the skipper. From December 87, the native was to run the sub-period of Mercury, the lord of the fifth house, in the main period of Saturn. In D-I Mercury is well-placed in the ascendant while in D-IX it is placed in the fourth house in Virgo.
As per SA, the sign Taurus rises in the ascendant and Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. The native has good combinations in D-I like occupation of ascendant by the fourth and fifth lords and the placement of the lord of the house of initiatives and sports in the tenth house. The Sun is weak as its mooltrikona house and its house of placement are exactly afflicted by Jupiter and Ketu respectively but is well placed in the chart. The Moon's close conjunction with the most effective point of the tenth house is a significant factor in this case. The Sun is in its sign of exaltation in both D-IX and D-X. The Moon is vargottamma and occupies its own sign in D- X. Mercury is in its sign of exaltation in both D-IX.
The placement of Venus in the second house and Jupiter close to the most effective point of the tenth house is inauspicious from the Systems' Approach point of view and has caused many fluctuations in the career of this cricketer. Venus rules his health, financial position and strength for competition specially in sports. The good placement of Venus in the Sun-like house ruling status helped the native despite weakness. Both Jupiter and Saturn are otherwise strong planets but the placement in the afflicted houses makes them weak. In such situations the planets give short lived good results. Saturn is additionally under the exact influence of Rahu/Ketu axis. It will not be out of place to mention that his performance during the main and sub-period of Saturn was quite discouraging. Yet the sub-period of Mercury in the main period of Saturn could generate the good results for him and he had a short spell of Captaincy.
Female born November 20, 1960, 1120 Hrs. 83E20 25N37.
When the native was running the sub-period of Rahu in the main period of Venus, the author was contacted for timing the marriage and suggesting remedial measures for expediting the marriage. The sign Capricorn rises in the ascendant and the Sun, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu become functional malefic planets. The Moon is weak as it is placed in its sign of debilitation. Mercury is weak due to the weakness of its dispositor and is closely afflicted by Ketu. Venus is weak as it is badly placed and closely afflicted by the functional malefic planet, Jupiter. Saturn, as it is badly placed in the chart, becomes weak and closely afflicted by Rahu. Mars ruling the fourth house is weak as it is badly placed in the chart. In D-I the lord of the seventh house is in its sign of debilitation, it lacks brightness (paksha bala) and the significator for husband occupies twelfth house along with the lord of the house of family, Saturn. Venus also occupies twelfth house, all indicating weak position for promoting the marriage. Rahu/Ketu axis closely afflicts the most effective points of the houses pertaining to marital affairs.
In D-IX the position is not very much better. The lord of the twelfth house, Mars, occupies the ascendant. The lord of the seventh house of D-I occupies 9th house in D-IX, in the sign Capricorn. The Moon is aspected by two malefic lords of the navamsa and Rahu.
The position of main period lord in main chart is weak and the sub-period lord is placed in the eighth house. In D-IX, Rahu touches the significations of D-IX due to its placement in the fifth house and its aspect to D-IX ascendant and the Moon. The remedial measures for strengthening of the weak significators of marriage and for propitiation of Rahu and Ketu were suggested as they are causing affliction to the houses connected with marital affairs.
The marriage fructified in the sub-period of Rahu and main period of Venus. As main period of Venus, the lord of the tenth house, was in operation, the native was working as a lecturer in a private college. Venus, the lord of the tenth house of D-I, is well placed in D-X even though aspected by Ketu.
When the significators for marriage are utterly weak, marriage cannot be finalized and solemnized without strengthening the weak planets and propitiating the afflicting planets.
Female born December 6, 1952, 1300 Hrs. Delhi.
The native lost her husband on 1st August 1986, in the main period of Venus and sub-period of Rahu.
The sign Aquarius rises in the ascendant and the Moon, Mercury, Rahu and Ketu are functional malefic planets. In D-I, the lord of the seventh house occupies the tenth house and it is under the exact affliction of Ketu from the sixth house. Whenever the Sun is under the exact or very close affliction of Ketu the happiness from father, husband and male progeny is curtailed in the charts of females. The chart has inherent weakness due to placement of lords of the ninth and third houses in the twelfth house. The badly placed weak Mars is closely conjunct with Rahu in the twelfth house and is afflicted by the close aspect of the functional malefic planets, the Moon and Ketu.
In D-IX, the Moon is in its sign of debilitation and the seventh lord of the D-I is placed in the eighth house in association with Ketu. The location of main and sub-period lords in the twelfth house caused untold miseries to the native. Before death, the husband of the native suffered from a prolonged disease.
Male born December 18, 1951, .
The sign Sagittarius rises in the ascendant and the Moon, Rahu and Ketu become functional malefic planets. Mercury, the lord of the tenth house is combust, in old-age and placed in the twelfth house. The significator for the tenth house, the Sun is weak as it is in the state of infancy. Saturn, Mars and Jupiter are favorably placed in the angular houses. Saturn and Mars are weak due to the weakness of their dispositor. Both Saturn and Mars being lords of the third and fifth houses closely influence the most effective point of the tenth house. The influence of the lord of the fifth house on the tenth house or second house gives professional qualification. The most malefic planet, the Moon, exactly afflicts the most effective point of the second house, which rules the status, wealth and family. In D-IX, Mercury is in its sign of debilitation. The ascendant lord of D-X, the Moon is in an angular house in the D-X and is aspected not only by Mercury and Venus but also by Jupiter. These mixed effects blessed the native with the post of an engineer but due to the weakness of the tenth lord of the main chart, he faced problems from time to time in his job. During the sub-period of Mercury in the main period of Venus the native was involved in a vigilance enquiry and the promotion was denied to him. He was suggested strengthening measures for Mercury and the Sun and propitiatory remedial measures for the functional malefic planets. He got exonerated from the vigilance enquiry and was promoted in the main and sub-period of the ninth lord, the Sun.
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